Research / Academia / Teaching
@ Institute of Architecture and Media | TU Graz
Master Studio.WS .2022
@ Institute of Architecture and Media | TU Graz
Master Studio.WS .2022
Alexander Grasser, Alexandra Parger, Urs Hirschberg
Students Tutor:
Sulzer Sandra
Bonecker Max, Castela Fernandez Julia, Deinhammer Gabriel, Farnleitner Daniel Stefan, Garcia Marchena Ana, Gracia Siles Carlos, Kampf Maximilian, Keuschnig Nikolas, M‘Barki Salim, Nachtwey Niklas, Novak Veronika, Nußbaumer Maximilian, Posch Sarah, Rogala Andreas, Schrammel Aaron, Sulzer Sandra, Vadlja Ana-Mary, Villacampa Perramon Ainhoa.
@Institute of Architecture and Media, TU Graz
@Institute of Architecture and Media, TU Graz
Final Jury:
Branko Kolarevic,
Jörg Stanzel, Carlos Favero Marchi, Yinan Liu,
Alexandra Parger, Alexander Grasser, Urs Hirschberg
Alexandra Parger, Alexander Grasser, Urs Hirschberg
This semester, the design studio at the Institute of Architecture and Media explores open architectural forms that enable customizable and flexible work environments. Using a playful and interactive digital design method, variation is created through participation and complexity through collective design decisions.
During the semester, these projects are developed collaboratively in a step-by-step process. The course is accompanied by a variety of input workshops and lectures that allow students to create interesting design proposals and visions even without prior knowledge of digital design methods and concepts.
Grasser & Parger 2022
This semester, the design studio at the Institute of Architecture and Media explores open architectural forms that enable customizable and flexible work environments. Using a playful and interactive digital design method, variation is created through participation and complexity through collective design decisions.
During the semester, these projects are developed collaboratively in a step-by-step process. The course is accompanied by a variety of input workshops and lectures that allow students to create interesting design proposals and visions even without prior knowledge of digital design methods and concepts.
Grasser & Parger 2022

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