Research / Academia / Teaching
Collaborative Matters. Master Design Studio
Collaborative Objects Research
Collaborative Matters. Master Design Studio
Collaborative Objects Research
Alexander Grasser, Alexandra Parger, Urs Hirschberg
CM. Student Tutors:
Hoffmann, Katona, Hoti
Boss, Bernhart, Kussinna, Feitzlmayr, Buchacher, Elmenshawi, Zitter, Doninelli, Kozul, Witzany, Belpois, Isakovic, Grangl, Hoffmann, Matthäus, Frühwirt, Meisinger, Sagrkovic, Tang Pak To
@ Institute of Architecture and Media, TU Graz
CM. Partners:
Fifteen Seconds, Exit Games, Pro Holz, Felber Holz
.Collaborative Matter(s) CM. CollabWood
Collaborative Matter(s) explores a Realtime Architecture Platform, which was applied in a telepresence design studio to design and construct the CollabWood prototype.
The platform, developed by the authors, enables an open workflow to collaborate and design in unity. It provides an online persistent environment for realtime architectural production. The work method is based on the concept of collaborative objects and distributed designers. These collaborative objects are the shared content: discrete parts, prefabs or blocks that enable interaction, communication and collaboration with and between it’s users and owners. The distributed designers can contribute, by instantiating these collaborative objects. The users get immersed in digital proximity by communicating through the integrated chat or digital calls, discussing strategies, debating on design intentions, analyzing the built structure, and scanning for improvements. This pervasive collaboration lays the foundation for a democratization of the design process.
As a proof of concept this method was implemented with 20 students in a telepresence design studio. The participants embraced the realtime workflow and applied the collaborative tool throughout the semester from different locations and time zones. Using the platform to collaboratively design in realtime the CollabWood prototype was realized as 1:1 prototype with local, accessible material and AR technology for assembly. Furthermore architectural CM.Projects were developed.
The global pandemic accelerated the importance of collaboration. Realtime Architecture Platform’s response of providing an accessible common platform for realtime interaction, design and collaboration can be regarded as a first step on how we might work together in the future. ACADIA 2020 Grasser, Parger, Hirschberg
Collaborative Matter(s) explores a Realtime Architecture Platform, which was applied in a telepresence design studio to design and construct the CollabWood prototype.
The platform, developed by the authors, enables an open workflow to collaborate and design in unity. It provides an online persistent environment for realtime architectural production. The work method is based on the concept of collaborative objects and distributed designers. These collaborative objects are the shared content: discrete parts, prefabs or blocks that enable interaction, communication and collaboration with and between it’s users and owners. The distributed designers can contribute, by instantiating these collaborative objects. The users get immersed in digital proximity by communicating through the integrated chat or digital calls, discussing strategies, debating on design intentions, analyzing the built structure, and scanning for improvements. This pervasive collaboration lays the foundation for a democratization of the design process.
As a proof of concept this method was implemented with 20 students in a telepresence design studio. The participants embraced the realtime workflow and applied the collaborative tool throughout the semester from different locations and time zones. Using the platform to collaboratively design in realtime the CollabWood prototype was realized as 1:1 prototype with local, accessible material and AR technology for assembly. Furthermore architectural CM.Projects were developed.
The global pandemic accelerated the importance of collaboration. Realtime Architecture Platform’s response of providing an accessible common platform for realtime interaction, design and collaboration can be regarded as a first step on how we might work together in the future. ACADIA 2020 Grasser, Parger, Hirschberg

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