09.September 2021
@ECAADE 2021 Conference
“Reappraising Configuration and its Potential for Collaborative Objects”
Full Paper Presentation, Authors: Grasser Alexander, Parger Alexandra
ECAADE 2021, Session 12: ‘ Collaborative, participative or responsive design’.
08.09.- 10.09.2021, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Link to Paper: ECAADE2021
Conference Theme: [text form the conference website]
Towards a new, configurable architecture
“The notion of configuration can be described as a relative arrangement of elements in a particular system, form, figure, or other formations. Configuration represents the essence of the design process in architecture. The configurable architecture may include a process of abstract thinking through design and exploitation. It can be considered from different perspectives such as design analysis and critical thinking, creative process, digital fabrication, computational design, responsive architecture and environments, material-based design, autonomous assembly, design visualization. From mass-customization toward mass-personalization, configurable architecture is seeking for an answer how architecture will adjust to habitual behaviour of their users in the 21 century. A century ago the book Vers une architecture was published for the first time, advocating a new concept of architecture based on engineering logic of second industrial revolution and mass production. Third industrial revolution brings digital turn in architecture, reshaping the way of thinking and making. Fourth industrial revolution is already changing architecture before our eyes towards new, configurable architecture. What are the new lessons for architects in this new age, age of mass-customization? The theme “Towards a new configurable architecture” critically questions the notion of configuration in architecture and how it can be applied to rethinking architectural ideas, design process, representation, fabrication and utilisation process. International eCAADe conference in Novi Sad will be a place for testing and discussing novel ideas and design approaches, making and transforming built environment. ”
see further information on the conference: ecaade2021.ftn.uns.ac.rs
“Reappraising Configuration and its Potential for Collaborative Objects”
Full Paper Presentation, Authors: Grasser Alexander, Parger Alexandra
ECAADE 2021, Session 12: ‘ Collaborative, participative or responsive design’.
08.09.- 10.09.2021, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Link to Paper: ECAADE2021
Conference Theme: [text form the conference website]
Towards a new, configurable architecture
“The notion of configuration can be described as a relative arrangement of elements in a particular system, form, figure, or other formations. Configuration represents the essence of the design process in architecture. The configurable architecture may include a process of abstract thinking through design and exploitation. It can be considered from different perspectives such as design analysis and critical thinking, creative process, digital fabrication, computational design, responsive architecture and environments, material-based design, autonomous assembly, design visualization. From mass-customization toward mass-personalization, configurable architecture is seeking for an answer how architecture will adjust to habitual behaviour of their users in the 21 century. A century ago the book Vers une architecture was published for the first time, advocating a new concept of architecture based on engineering logic of second industrial revolution and mass production. Third industrial revolution brings digital turn in architecture, reshaping the way of thinking and making. Fourth industrial revolution is already changing architecture before our eyes towards new, configurable architecture. What are the new lessons for architects in this new age, age of mass-customization? The theme “Towards a new configurable architecture” critically questions the notion of configuration in architecture and how it can be applied to rethinking architectural ideas, design process, representation, fabrication and utilisation process. International eCAADe conference in Novi Sad will be a place for testing and discussing novel ideas and design approaches, making and transforming built environment. ”
see further information on the conference: ecaade2021.ftn.uns.ac.rs
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